I bought this glass pie plate a long time ago for the purpose of making a cheesy mushroom dip recipe from my mom. Now, it serves a greater(?) purpose.

About once a week (more frequently in warmer months), I fill up this dish with water, add a toy ball just for fun, and put it on the top of the bird cage. Sometimes the birds will fly to it as I’m carrying it into the room. That’s how excited they are about baths. It’s an EVENT.

Today, I put it in the usual spot. Within seconds, Lentil came over to taste the water and make sure it was suitable for Quinoa.

Once he was satisfied with the water quality and temperature, he alerted Quinoa that her bath was ready. She immediately flew over, jumped into the water, and proceeded to splash everything and everyone within a certain radius.

Who needs a rubber duckie when you have a green ball?

Valentine jumped in next. She likes to hop in and out of the water, roll on her back a bit, and kick her feet to make sure she gets the water everywhere.

Valentine loves her bath!

The boys usually wait for the girls to be finished with their baths before jumping in the water. Otherwise, they tend to get chased out. Don’t get between a budgie and her bath!

“After you!” “No, after YOU!”

Stormy Day, Lentil, and Pippin took rather quick baths today. Sparrow only wanted to wash her face. They don’t always want or need a good soak. I can respect that.

Cricket, I know would absolutely love a bath, but she has trouble standing and walking so it’s hard for her to continue her usual bathing routine. She used to roll around on her back and really flap her wings and splash a lot. She was a very… active bather. Now, she seems to have trouble standing in the tub and I worry she might not be able to climb out when she needs to. It could be a drowning risk so I basically have to come up with creative alternatives to keep her clean. She didn’t want to be sprayed with water today, but she did allow me to wipe down some messy feathers on her bottom with a damp cloth. I try to help her maintain good hygiene and it’s always a bonus when she doesn’t try to bite me. I still have all my fingers and she looks happy right now so I’ll take it. (She didn’t want her picture taken.)

So far, the only way I’ve gotten Cedric to bathe is by spraying him with water. He seemed to enjoy it today, almost posing as the water hit him. He just goes from shy to supermodel in seconds! Did he drink the water? Not that I could tell. I’ll catch him someday…

If budgies used shampoo, this would be a commercial for it.

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